
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Getting Married

If you are a female, then read on! Even males can read.We commit in the eyes of the Lord to share our love with our man.

It came to my mind that getting married is sometimes confusing in our part as women. We change our status.. Awww! Numerous of 'em to count. One, you have to change your surname every time you fill-out a form. Erroneous mistakes when I got married last year. But I was getting the hang on it. Second, if you are employed. You have to inform the Human Resources Department your status. Again, another form to fill-in. You have to go to the nearest branch of Social Security System to inform the change of status, of course, you have to surrender your identification card and wait for months to have it. To tell you frankly, I haven't received it yet, its been 8 months! There's also your voter's I.d. your bank account, etc... to name a few all of it are tiring. Even your TIN (tax) has to be updated. What more if you change your name!

In the end, all those tireless days walking and driving to the area makes me dizzy because of the long wait. You have to go to these department and to that. My! so confusing! What a day! That's the benefit of being a woman! Good luck to us all!

God is a bountiful lover

He gives you everything you need. No less, not more than but what suffice you shall be given unto you when you accept Him wholeheartedly. He makes you strong. You ask, and He shall
give. When you pray earnestly, and truly He can hear our every thoughts and need, even before we ask He knows. God is an all-knowing. Omniscient and Omnipotent God.

Everyday I make a diary of Love for Him. Daily communication with Him makes you stronger. Prayer is the best defense when in sorrow, in need. I learn way back in high school that PRAYER has a real meaning.

P - Praise God.
R - Revere what all God done to us.
A - Ask forgiveness
Y - Yearn and ask God what you wish and desire for.

Love endelessly in the eyes of the Lord.

To be continued...


Sometimes it makes me wonder what are dreams are for? There are two kinds of dreams, a good one and a nightmare! Lately, I dreamt I was in a beach walking alone. Dejavu! I dreamt it ages and happened again. What does dreams mean? Until now I am confused with my dreams. Are they subconsciously what we truly need and want? Probably... Bits of my conscious mind sez they are, but fifty percent of it says no way! There are some dreams that makes me laugh! and when I woke up some made me cry.

What is really the importance of dreams? Do they take you away of the reality? Questions unanswered... And Answered questions leads to another question. A cycle that ceaselessly attain in our inner mind. Do we fall asleep to revitalize our mind and body? Yes!

We need to sleep to wake up everyday and live. To eat, work, play, and pray. They are the vitals of our life. Fears, Wants, Needs are to work out to live those sleepless dreams. Dreams does sometimes came true! Proven many times when you yearn to God the true meaning of life.

We work to live. We sleep to rest and when we sleep we dream endlessly...